Wednesday 29 November 2023

Day 339 - Writing through it


Book cover - crown with snow

My new book, The Parables of The Cold Island is now out in case you are struggling for an intelligent stocking filler. It is dedicated to my brother and his girlfriend. It has been informed by these blogs and by my feelings over the year. It is a continuation of my most important parable. They say that a lot of people (including myself) have been struggling to read long books since the pandemic. So, it is deliberately short.

Here is the blurb for it:

In the heart of a troubled island, where the very land itself aches with sickness, a King's iron-handed stubborn decree denies the one thing that can heal its people. In these two modern-day parables, author Nick White weaves a captivating narrative that transcends borders and whispers truths.

Delve into two tales that resonate with timeless allegory. Meet the King and his three children: two Princes who rebel, and a Princess who yearns for a warmth that cannot, seemingly, be attained. As the island's fate hangs in the balance, these parables will ignite your soul and awaken your senses.

An illustrated journey, this book is for every island… and every person.

As writing this has been part of my year, I am including it in these prayer strike blogs. If you want to take a look and read a sample it can be found here. It is in print, available as an ebook and available as an audiobook on Google Play/Books. Apart from that there is nothing significant to report.

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